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Scottish Weather Network UK Weather Network
Sat 5th October 2024 08:34:43

Peebles Weather - Today's Records

 Latitude N 55° 38' 27"    Longitude W 03° 10' 15"    Elevation 524 ft

Raw Data, Raw Data Expanded

Daytime temperatures are in direct sunlight so may be higher than official air temperature values.
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All times are in local time (GMT, or BST in summer) unless specified.

2024/10/05 07:20 EGPH 050720Z 21008KT 9999 BKN020 13/10 Q1011
12.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 mph 3.8 mph 1012.1 85% X-Ray Solar Flare Level
Planetary K-Index
Planetary K-Index History
Station Warn Rain Snow Flood Wind Ltng Heat Cold Glob Moon Temp Rain 1h Rain Sat Rain 24h Wind 10m Gust Pressure Hum Proton Levels
Lost sensor contact!!!
m Waxing Crescent Cool F1-SE F: A: Kp:0 SSN:0

This page shows a summary of the data since midnight local time.

Today's data

Temperature and Humidity
High Temperature 13.2 °C at 01:25 
Low Temperature 10.8 °C at 05:51
High Apparent Temperature 12.1 °C at 02:38 
Low Apparent Temperature 9.1 °C at 07:06
Low Wind Chill 10.0 °C at 07:06
High Heat Index 13.2 °C at 01:25
High Humidity 91 % at 05:43 
Low Humidity 77 % at 01:25
Hours of Sunshine 0.0  
Rainfall Today 0.0 mm  
Rainfall Rate Max 0.0 mm/hr at 00:00
High Hourly Rainfall 0.0 mm at 00:00
Highest Gust 11.4 mph at 04:24
Highest Speed (10 minute average) 6.4 mph (F2) at 04:42
Wind Run 29.7 miles  
High Pressure (SL) 1014.7 hPa at 00:00
Low Pressure (SL) 1012.0 hPa at 08:16


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