// $WX[] array size = 648 entries.
$WX['tempunit'] = '°C'; // Unit of temperature being used (Set in Cumulus as Centigrade or Fahrenheit)
$WX['tempunitnodeg'] = 'C'; // The temperature units being used, without a degree symbol, i.e. "F" or "C"
$WX['pressunit'] = 'hPa'; // Unit of measure for pressure. Possible values: mb, hPa, in
$WX['rainunit'] = 'mm'; // Unit of measure for rain fall (e.g mm or inches)
$WX['windunit'] = 'mph'; // Unit of measure for wind speed. Possible values: mph, m/s, km/h, kts
$WX['windrununit'] = 'miles'; // Unit of measure for wind run (distance)
$WX['cloudbaseunit'] = 'ft'; // The units used for cloudbase value, i.e. "ft" or "m"
$WX['date'] = '05/10/2024'; // The current date
$WX['time'] = '08:30 on 05 October 2024'; // The current time and date. Example result: 18:30 on 30 December 2009.
$WX['timehhmmss'] = '08:30:01'; // The current time. Example format: 18:30:27
$WX['timeUTC'] = '07:30 on 05 October 2024'; // The current UTC date/time rather than local date/time
$WX['day'] = '05'; // The current day as a 2-digit number. Example format: 14
$WX['dayname'] = 'Saturday'; // The current day as a word.  For example, Monday
$WX['shortdayname'] = 'Sat'; // The current day as a shortened word. Example format: Mon
$WX['month'] = '10'; // The current month as a 2-digit number. Example format: 05
$WX['monthname'] = 'October'; // The current month as a word. Example format: August
$WX['shortmonthname'] = 'Oct'; // The current month as a shortened word. Example format: Aug
$WX['year'] = '2024'; // The current year as a 4-digit number. Example format: 2009
$WX['shortyear'] = '24'; // The current year as a 2-digit number. Example format: 09
$WX['hour'] = '08'; // The current hour as a 2-digit number. Example format: 23
$WX['minute'] = '30'; // The current minute as a 2-digit number. Example format: 59
$WX['apptemp'] = '11.7'; // The apparent temperature
$WX['avgtemp'] = '12.0'; // The average temperature so far today
$WX['temp'] = '12.3'; // The outside temperature
$WX['intemp'] = '22.2'; // The inside temperature
$WX['temptrend'] = '+0.4'; // The change in temperature over the last hour
$WX['temptrendtext'] = 'Rising'; // Temperature change over the last hour - Rising/Falling/Steady
$WX['temptrendenglish'] = 'Rising'; // Simple description of temperature change over the last hour - Rising/Falling/Steady.
$WX['heatindex'] = '12.3'; // Current heat index
$WX['humidex'] = '13.5'; // Current Humidex
$WX['hum'] = '85'; // The outside humidity
$WX['inhum'] = '50'; // The inside humidity
$WX['dew'] = '9.9'; // The outside dew point
$WX['wchill'] = '12.3'; // The current wind chill temperature
$WX['wetbulb'] = '11.0'; // Estimated wet bulb temperature, currently only available via web tag
$WX['rfall'] = '0.0'; // The total rainfall so far today
$WX['rrate'] = '0.0'; // The current rainfall rate
$WX['rhour'] = '0.0'; // The rainfall in the last hour
$WX['rmidnight'] = '0.0'; // The total rainfall since midnight. Useful if you don't use midnight as your start of day
$WX['r24hour'] = '0.0'; // Amount of rain in the last 24 hours
$WX['LastRainTipISO'] = '2024-10-01 17:17'; // Date/time of last rain gauge tip (e.g 2010-09-06 06:09)
$WX['press'] = '1012.1'; // The sea level pressure
$WX['presstrend'] = 'Falling slowly'; // The pressure trend in words - values can be set in the 'strings.ini' file
$WX['presstrendval'] = '-0.1'; // The pressure trend in figures
$WX['presstrendenglish'] = 'Falling'; // a singe word description for the pressure trend - Rising/Falling/Steady.
$WX['altimeterpressure'] = '1012.1'; // Altimeter pressure. Pressure corrected to sea level using altitude only. Same as sea-level pressure for non-Davis stations.
$WX['wlatest'] = '1.6'; // Current wind speed reading from console.  Corresponds to 'latest' on the Cumulus main screen.
$WX['bearing'] = '135'; // Current wind bearing in degrees
$WX['currentwdir'] = 'SE'; // Current wind bearing as a compass point - e.g. ESE
$WX['wspeed'] = '2.0'; // The 10-minute average, if you have Cumulus set to calculate a 10-minute average. Otherwise, it's the latest 'wind' value from the console
$WX['avgbearing'] = '144'; // Average wind bearing in degrees over last 10 minutes. Range 1-360, 0=Calm
$WX['wdir'] = 'SE'; // Average wind bearing over last 10 minutes as a compass point - e.g. ESE
$WX['wgust'] = '3.8'; // The highest wind reading in the last 10 minutes. Corresponds to 'gust' on the Cumulus main screen.
$WX['nextwindindex'] = '2849'; // The index of the entries in wdirdata and wspddata which Cumulus is going to use next
$WX['beaufort'] = 'F1'; // The current wind speed on the Beaufort scale (e.g. F8)
$WX['beaufortnumber'] = '1'; // The current wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"
$WX['beaudesc'] = 'Light air'; // The current wind speed Beaufort description (e.g. "Gale")
$WX['cloudbase'] = '1000 ft'; // Calculated cloud base
$WX['cloudbasevalue'] = '1000'; // Current calculated cloud base without units
$WX['UV'] = '0'; // Current UV index
$WX['SolarRad'] = '0'; // Current solar radiation
$WX['forecast'] = 'Occasional precipitation, worsening'; // The current forecast
$WX['forecastnumber'] = '21'; // The number relating to the current forecast entry in the strings.ini file.
$WX['cumulusforecast'] = 'Occasional precipitation, worsening'; // Always gives Cumulus (Zambretti) forecast, even if the Occasional precipitation, worsening tag provides a station forecast
$WX['wsforecast'] = 'Not available'; // Always gives station forecast (if available)
$WX['IsFreezing'] = '0'; // Is outside temperature is at or below 0C/32F. 0=Above freezing, 1=Below freezing (Beta)
$WX['IsRaining'] = '0'; // For Hydreon RG-11 devices, shows the current rain state. 0=No rain, 1=It's raining (Beta)
$WX['tempTH'] = '13.2'; // Today's highest temperature
$WX['TtempTH'] = '01:25'; // Time of Today's highest temperature
$WX['tempTL'] = '10.8'; // Today's lowest temperature
$WX['TtempTL'] = '05:51'; // Time of Today's lowest temperature
$WX['temprange'] = '2.4'; // The temperature range (max - min) so far today
$WX['apptempTH'] = '12.1'; // Today's high apparent temperature
$WX['TapptempTH'] = '02:38'; // Time of Today's high apparent temperature
$WX['apptempTL'] = '9.1'; // Today's low apparent temperature
$WX['TapptempTL'] = '07:06'; // Time of Today's low apparent temperature
$WX['heatindexTH'] = '13.2'; // Today's high heat index
$WX['TheatindexTH'] = '01:25'; // Time of Today's high heat index
$WX['wchillTL'] = '10.0'; // Today's lowest wind chill
$WX['TwchillTL'] = '07:06'; // Time of Today's lowest wind chill
$WX['dewpointTH'] = '9.9'; // Today's highest dew point
$WX['TdewpointTH'] = '08:29'; // Time of Today's highest dew point
$WX['dewpointTL'] = '9.1'; // Today's lowest dew point
$WX['TdewpointTL'] = '00:29'; // Time of Today's lowest dew point
$WX['humTH'] = '91'; // Today's highest humidity
$WX['ThumTH'] = '05:43'; // Time of Today's highest humidity
$WX['humTL'] = '77'; // Today's lowest humidity
$WX['ThumTL'] = '01:25'; // Time of Today's lowest humidity
$WX['rrateTM'] = '0.0'; // Today's maximum rain rate
$WX['TrrateTM'] = '00:00'; // Time of Today's maximum rain rate
$WX['hourlyrainTH'] = '0.0'; // Today's highest hourly rain
$WX['ThourlyrainTH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Today's highest hourly rain
$WX['pressTH'] = '1014.7'; // Today's highest pressure reading
$WX['TpressTH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Today's highest pressure reading
$WX['pressTL'] = '1012.0'; // Today's lowest pressure reading
$WX['TpressTL'] = '08:16'; // Time of Today's lowest pressure reading
$WX['windTM'] = '6.4'; // Today's maximum (average) wind speed
$WX['TwindTM'] = '04:42'; // Time of Today's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"
$WX['wgustTM'] = '11.4'; // Today's maximum wind gust
$WX['TwgustTM'] = '04:24'; // Time of The wind bearing at the time of today's high gust (11.4)
$WX['bearingTM'] = '202'; // The wind bearing at the time of today's high gust (11.4)
$WX['Tbeaufort'] = 'F2'; // Today's highest wind speed, expressed in the Beaufort scale
$WX['Tbeaufortnumber'] = '2'; // Today's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"
$WX['windrun'] = '29.7'; // The total wind run so far today
$WX['domwindbearing'] = '158'; // Today's dominant wind direction in degrees
$WX['domwinddir'] = 'SSE'; // Today's dominant wind direction as compass point
$WX['BearingRangeFrom'] = '135'; // The 'lowest' bearing in the last 10 minutes (or as configured using AvgBearingMinutes in cumulus.ini)
$WX['BearingRangeTo'] = '158'; // The 'highest' bearing in the last 10 minutes (or as configured using AvgBearingMinutes in cumulus.ini)
$WX['BearingRangeFrom10'] = '130'; // The 'lowest' bearing in the last 10 minutes (or as configured using AvgBearingMinutes in cumulus.ini), rounded down to nearest 10 degrees
$WX['BearingRangeTo10'] = '160'; // The 'highest' bearing in the last 10 minutes (or as configured using AvgBearingMinutes in cumulus.ini), rounded up to the nearest 10 degrees
$WX['ET'] = '0.00'; // Today's evapotranspiration.
$WX['solarTH'] = '0'; // Today's high solar radiation value (Beta)
$WX['TsolarTH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Today's high solar radiation value (Beta)
$WX['UVTH'] = '0'; // Today's high UV Index (Beta)
$WX['TUVTH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Today's high UV Index (Beta)
$WX['heatdegdays'] = '2.2'; // Today's heating degree days
$WX['cooldegdays'] = '0.0'; // Today's cooling degree days
$WX['tempYH'] = '13.0'; // Yesterday's highest temperature
$WX['TtempYH'] = '13:44'; // Time of Yesterday's highest temperature
$WX['tempYL'] = '7.6'; // Yesterday's lowest temperature
$WX['TtempYL'] = '00:00'; // Time of Yesterday's lowest temperature
$WX['temprangeY'] = '5.4'; // The temperature range (max - min) yesterday
$WX['apptempYH'] = '12.5'; // Yesterday's high apparent temperature
$WX['TapptempYH'] = '16:02'; // Time of Yesterday's high apparent temperature
$WX['apptempYL'] = '6.1'; // Yesterday's low apparent temperature
$WX['TapptempYL'] = '00:32'; // Time of Yesterday's low apparent temperature
$WX['heatindexYH'] = '13.0'; // Yesterday's high heat index
$WX['TheatindexYH'] = '13:44'; // Time of Yesterday's high heat index
$WX['wchillYL'] = '7.1'; // Yesterday's lowest wind chill
$WX['TwchillYL'] = '00:32'; // Time of Yesterday's lowest wind chill
$WX['dewpointYL'] = '6.8'; // Yesterday's lowest dew point
$WX['TdewpointYL'] = '03:56'; // Time of Yesterday's lowest dew point
$WX['dewpointYH'] = '10.0'; // Yesterday's highest dew point
$WX['TdewpointYH'] = '12:44'; // Time of Yesterday's highest dew point
$WX['humYH'] = '97'; // High humidity yesterday
$WX['ThumYH'] = '00:00'; // Time of High humidity yesterday
$WX['humYL'] = '73'; // Low humidity yesterday
$WX['ThumYL'] = '11:44'; // Time of Low humidity yesterday
$WX['rfallY'] = '0.0'; // The total rainfall for yesterday
$WX['rrateYM'] = '0.0'; // Yesterday's maximum rain rate
$WX['TrrateYM'] = '00:00'; // Time of Yesterday's maximum rain rate
$WX['hourlyrainYH'] = '0.0'; // Yesterday's highest hourly rain
$WX['ThourlyrainYH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Yesterday's highest hourly rain
$WX['pressYH'] = '1020.9'; // Yesterday's highest pressure reading
$WX['TpressYH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Yesterday's highest pressure reading
$WX['pressYL'] = '1014.3'; // Yesterday's lowest pressure reading
$WX['TpressYL'] = '23:36'; // Time of Yesterday's lowest pressure reading
$WX['windYM'] = '5.7'; // Yesterday's maximum (average) wind speed
$WX['TwindYM'] = '11:57'; // Time of Yesterday's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"
$WX['wgustYM'] = '8.3'; // Yesterday's maximum wind gust
$WX['TwgustYM'] = '11:53'; // Time of The wind bearing at the time of yesterday's high gust
$WX['bearingYM'] = '180'; // The wind bearing at the time of yesterday's high gust
$WX['Ybeaufort'] = 'F2'; // Yesterday's highest wind speed, expressed in the Beaufort scale
$WX['Ybeaufortnumber'] = '2'; // Yesterday's high wind speed on the Beaufort scale, without a leading "F", e.g. "6"
$WX['domwindbearingY'] = '155'; // Yesterday's dominant wind direction in degrees
$WX['domwinddirY'] = 'SSE'; // Yesterday's dominant wind direction as compass point
$WX['windrunY'] = '56.2'; // The total wind run for yesterday
$WX['heatdegdaysY'] = '7.7'; // Yesterday's heating degree days
$WX['cooldegdaysY'] = '0.0'; // Yesterday's cooling degree days
$WX['avgtempY'] = '10.6'; // Yesterday's average temperature (Beta)
$WX['solarYH'] = '0'; // Yesterday's high solar radiation value (Beta)
$WX['TsolarYH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Yesterday's high solar radiation value (Beta)
$WX['UVYH'] = '0'; // Yesterday's high UV Index (Beta)
$WX['TUVYH'] = '00:00'; // Time of Yesterday's high UV Index (Beta)
$WX['MonthTempH'] = '15.1'; // This months high temperature
$WX['MonthTempHT'] = '12:45'; // Time of This months high temperature
$WX['MonthTempHD'] = '02 October'; // Date of This months high temperature
$WX['MonthTempL'] = '2.3'; // This months low temperature
$WX['MonthTempLT'] = '01:51'; // Time of This months low temperature
$WX['MonthTempLD'] = '03 October'; // Date of This months low temperature
$WX['MonthMinTempH'] = '10.2'; // This months highest daily minimum temperature
$WX['MonthMinTempHD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months highest daily minimum temperature
$WX['MonthMaxTempL'] = '11.2'; // This months lowest daily minimum temperature
$WX['MonthMaxTempLD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months lowest daily minimum temperature
$WX['MonthHighDailyTempRange'] = '12.1'; // High Daily Temp Range
$WX['MonthHighDailyTempRangeD'] = '03 October'; // Date of High Daily Temp Range
$WX['MonthLowDailyTempRange'] = '1.0'; // Low Daily Temp Range
$WX['MonthLowDailyTempRangeD'] = '01 October'; // Date of Low Daily Temp Range
$WX['MonthHeatIndexH'] = '15.1'; // This months high heat index
$WX['MonthHeatIndexHT'] = '12:45'; // Time of This months high heat index
$WX['MonthHeatIndexHD'] = '02 October'; // Date of This months high heat index
$WX['MonthWChillL'] = '2.3'; // This months low wind chill
$WX['MonthWChillLT'] = '01:51'; // Time of This months low wind chill
$WX['MonthWChillLD'] = '03 October'; // Date of This months low wind chill
$WX['MonthAppTempH'] = '14.0'; // This months high apparent temperature
$WX['MonthAppTempHT'] = '14:22'; // Time of This months high apparent temperature
$WX['MonthAppTempHD'] = '03 October'; // Date of This months high apparent temperature
$WX['MonthAppTempL'] = '0.7'; // This months low apparent temperature
$WX['MonthAppTempLT'] = '01:51'; // Time of This months low apparent temperature
$WX['MonthAppTempLD'] = '03 October'; // Date of This months low apparent temperature
$WX['MonthDewPointH'] = '10.4'; // This months high dew point
$WX['MonthDewPointHT'] = '14:22'; // Time of This months high dew point
$WX['MonthDewPointHD'] = '03 October'; // Date of This months high dew point
$WX['MonthDewPointL'] = '2.2'; // This months low dew point
$WX['MonthDewPointLT'] = '01:51'; // Time of This months low dew point
$WX['MonthDewPointLD'] = '03 October'; // Date of This months low dew point
$WX['MonthHumH'] = '99'; // This months highest humidty
$WX['MonthHumHT'] = '22:06'; // Time of This months highest humidty
$WX['MonthHumHD'] = '02 October'; // Date of This months highest humidty
$WX['MonthHumL'] = '65'; // This months lowest humidty
$WX['MonthHumLT'] = '12:47'; // Time of This months lowest humidty
$WX['MonthHumLD'] = '02 October'; // Date of This months lowest humidty
$WX['MonthPressH'] = '1025.6'; // This months highest pressure
$WX['MonthPressHT'] = '23:51'; // Time of This months highest pressure
$WX['MonthPressHD'] = '02 October'; // Date of This months highest pressure
$WX['MonthPressL'] = '1011.3'; // This months lowest pressure
$WX['MonthPressLT'] = '00:00'; // Time of This months lowest pressure
$WX['MonthPressLD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months lowest pressure
$WX['MonthGustH'] = '11.4'; // This months highest wind gust
$WX['MonthGustHT'] = '05:43'; // Time of This months highest wind gust
$WX['MonthGustHD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months highest wind gust
$WX['MonthWindH'] = '7.4'; // This months highest wind speed
$WX['MonthWindHT'] = '08:22'; // Time of This months highest wind speed
$WX['MonthWindHD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months highest wind speed
$WX['MonthWindRunH'] = '76.2'; // High Daily Wind Run
$WX['MonthWindRunHD'] = '01 October'; // Date of High Daily Wind Run
$WX['rmonth'] = '3.0'; // The total rainfall so far this month
$WX['MonthRainRateH'] = '7.2'; // This months highest rainfall rate
$WX['MonthRainRateHT'] = '10:26'; // Time of This months highest rainfall rate
$WX['MonthRainRateHD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months highest rainfall rate
$WX['MonthHourlyRainH'] = '0.9'; // This months highest hourly rain
$WX['MonthHourlyRainHT'] = '10:24'; // Time of This months highest hourly rain
$WX['MonthHourlyRainHD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months highest hourly rain
$WX['MonthDailyRainH'] = '3.0'; // This months greatest daily rain
$WX['MonthDailyRainHD'] = '01 October'; // Date of This months greatest daily rain
$WX['MonthLongestDryPeriod'] = '3'; // Longest dry period ending this month (days)
$WX['MonthLongestDryPeriodD'] = '04 October'; // Date of Longest dry period ending this month (days)
$WX['MonthLongestWetPeriod'] = '2'; // Longest period of rain every day, ending this month (days)
$WX['MonthLongestWetPeriodD'] = '01 October'; // Date of Longest period of rain every day, ending this month (days)
$WX['YearTempH'] = '25.7'; // This years highest temperature
$WX['YearTempHT'] = '15:04'; // Time of This years highest temperature
$WX['YearTempHD'] = '11 May'; // Date of This years highest temperature
$WX['YearTempL'] = '-10.3'; // This years lowest temperature
$WX['YearTempLT'] = '08:50'; // Time of This years lowest temperature
$WX['YearTempLD'] = '18 January'; // Date of This years lowest temperature
$WX['YearHighDailyTempRange'] = '21.0'; // High Daily Temp Range
$WX['YearHighDailyTempRangeD'] = '31 July'; // Date of High Daily Temp Range
$WX['YearLowDailyTempRange'] = '1.0'; // Low Daily Temp Range
$WX['YearLowDailyTempRangeD'] = '01 October'; // Date of Low Daily Temp Range
$WX['YearHeatIndexH'] = '25.7'; // This years highest heat index
$WX['YearHeatIndexHT'] = '15:04'; // Time of This years highest heat index
$WX['YearHeatIndexHD'] = '11 May'; // Date of This years highest heat index
$WX['YearWChillL'] = '-10.3'; // This years lowest wind chill
$WX['YearWChillLT'] = '08:50'; // Time of This years lowest wind chill
$WX['YearWChillLD'] = '18 January'; // Date of This years lowest wind chill
$WX['YearAppTempH'] = '27.6'; // This years highest apparent temperature
$WX['YearAppTempHT'] = '12:28'; // Time of This years highest apparent temperature
$WX['YearAppTempHD'] = '05 August'; // Date of This years highest apparent temperature
$WX['YearAppTempL'] = '-13.4'; // This years lowest apparent temperature
$WX['YearAppTempLT'] = '08:50'; // Time of This years lowest apparent temperature
$WX['YearAppTempLD'] = '18 January'; // Date of This years lowest apparent temperature
$WX['YearDewPointH'] = '20.1'; // This years highest dew point
$WX['YearDewPointHT'] = '12:27'; // Time of This years highest dew point
$WX['YearDewPointHD'] = '05 August'; // Date of This years highest dew point
$WX['YearDewPointL'] = '-10.4'; // This years lowest dew point
$WX['YearDewPointLT'] = '08:46'; // Time of This years lowest dew point
$WX['YearDewPointLD'] = '18 January'; // Date of This years lowest dew point
$WX['YearMinTempH'] = '15.3'; // This years highest daily minimum temperature
$WX['YearMinTempHD'] = '05 August'; // Date of This years highest daily minimum temperature
$WX['YearMaxTempL'] = '-0.7'; // This years lowest daily minimum temperature
$WX['YearMaxTempLD'] = '07 January'; // Date of This years lowest daily minimum temperature
$WX['YearHumH'] = '99'; // This years high humidty
$WX['YearHumHT'] = '00:00'; // Time of This years high humidty
$WX['YearHumHD'] = '01 January'; // Date of This years high humidty
$WX['YearHumL'] = '37'; // This years low humidty
$WX['YearHumLT'] = '13:38'; // Time of This years low humidty
$WX['YearHumLD'] = '18 September'; // Date of This years low humidty
$WX['YearPressH'] = '1042.9'; // This years high pressure
$WX['YearPressHT'] = '14:22'; // Time of This years high pressure
$WX['YearPressHD'] = '11 January'; // Date of This years high pressure
$WX['YearPressL'] = '969.8'; // This years low pressure
$WX['YearPressLT'] = '22:22'; // Time of This years low pressure
$WX['YearPressLD'] = '21 January'; // Date of This years low pressure
$WX['YearGustH'] = '41.2'; // This years high wind gust
$WX['YearGustHT'] = '21:40'; // Time of This years high wind gust
$WX['YearGustHD'] = '21 January'; // Date of This years high wind gust
$WX['YearWindH'] = '26.1'; // This years high wind speed
$WX['YearWindHT'] = '16:35'; // Time of This years high wind speed
$WX['YearWindHD'] = '06 April'; // Date of This years high wind speed
$WX['YearWindRunH'] = '255.6'; // High Daily Wind Run
$WX['YearWindRunHD'] = '06 April'; // Date of High Daily Wind Run
$WX['ryear'] = '816.9'; // The total rainfall so far this year
$WX['YearRainRateH'] = '72.0'; // This years high rainfall rate
$WX['YearRainRateHT'] = '14:02'; // Time of This years high rainfall rate
$WX['YearRainRateHD'] = '16 July'; // Date of This years high rainfall rate
$WX['YearHourlyRainH'] = '16.5'; // This years high hourly rain
$WX['YearHourlyRainHT'] = '14:40'; // Time of This years high hourly rain
$WX['YearHourlyRainHD'] = '16 July'; // Date of This years high hourly rain
$WX['YearDailyRainH'] = '33.9'; // This years high daily rain
$WX['YearDailyRainHD'] = '23 May'; // Date of This years high daily rain
$WX['YearMonthlyRainH'] = '154.5'; // This years high monthly rain
$WX['YearMonthlyRainHD'] = 'May'; // Date of This years high monthly rain
$WX['YearLongestDryPeriod'] = '8'; // Longest period without rain ending this year (days)
$WX['YearLongestDryPeriodD'] = '23 September'; // Date of Longest period without rain ending this year (days)
$WX['YearLongestWetPeriod'] = '15'; // Longest period of rain every day ending this year (days)
$WX['YearLongestWetPeriodD'] = '15 April'; // Date of Longest period of rain every day ending this year (days)
$WX['tempH'] = '34.5'; // All time high temperature
$WX['TtempH'] = 'at 15:44 on 28 June 2018'; // Time/Date of All time high temperature
$WX['tempL'] = '-18.7'; // All time low temperature
$WX['TtempL'] = 'at 16:41 on 03 May 2017'; // Time/Date of All time low temperature
$WX['mintempH'] = '17.2'; // All time high minimum temperature
$WX['TmintempH'] = 'at 23:08 on 02 August 2022'; // Time/Date of All time high minimum temperature
$WX['maxtempL'] = '-7.1'; // All time low maximum temperature
$WX['TmaxtempL'] = 'at 00:00 on 13 December 2022'; // Time/Date of All time low maximum temperature
$WX['LowDailyTempRange'] = '0.0'; // All time low daily temperature range
$WX['TLowDailyTempRange'] = 'on 17 October 2014'; // Time/Date of All time low daily temperature range
$WX['HighDailyTempRange'] = '38.2'; // All time high daily temperature range
$WX['THighDailyTempRange'] = 'on 03 May 2017'; // Time/Date of All time high daily temperature range
$WX['apptempH'] = '38.4'; // All time high apparent temperature
$WX['TapptempH'] = 'at 17:19 on 25 July 2019'; // Time/Date of All time high apparent temperature
$WX['apptempL'] = '-38.4'; // All time low apparent temperature
$WX['TapptempL'] = 'at 23:18 on 18 August 2016'; // Time/Date of All time low apparent temperature
$WX['heatindexH'] = '39.6'; // All time high heat index
$WX['TheatindexH'] = 'at 16:49 on 25 July 2019'; // Time/Date of All time high heat index
$WX['dewpointH'] = '4569.0'; // All time high dew point
$WX['TdewpointH'] = 'at 05:24 on 04 July 2017'; // Time/Date of All time high dew point
$WX['dewpointL'] = '-50.3'; // All time low dew point
$WX['TdewpointL'] = 'at 05:56 on 26 January 2017'; // Time/Date of All time low dew point
$WX['humH'] = '99'; // All time high humidity
$WX['ThumH'] = 'at 06:19 on 20 July 2011'; // Time/Date of All time high humidity
$WX['humL'] = '1'; // All time low humidity
$WX['ThumL'] = 'at 06:40 on 16 January 2017'; // Time/Date of All time low humidity
$WX['wchillL'] = ''; // All time greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature)
$WX['TwchillL'] = ''; // Time/Date of All time greatest wind chill (i.e. lowest temperature)
$WX['rrateM'] = '932.4'; // All time high rain rate
$WX['TrrateM'] = 'at 15:10 on 28 October 2018'; // Time/Date of All time high rain rate
$WX['rfallH'] = '1600.5'; // All time high daily rain
$WX['TrfallH'] = 'on 17 May 2017'; // Time/Date of All time high daily rain
$WX['rfallhH'] = '921.6'; // All time high hourly rain
$WX['TrfallhH'] = 'at 16:36 on 09 August 2020'; // Time/Date of All time high hourly rain
$WX['rfallmH'] = '8758.2'; // All time high monthly rain
$WX['TrfallmH'] = 'March 2023'; // Time/Date of All time high monthly rain
$WX['LongestDryPeriod'] = '20'; // All time longest dry period (days)
$WX['TLongestDryPeriod'] = 'to 24 April 2019'; // Time/Date of All time longest dry period (days)
$WX['LongestWetPeriod'] = '35'; // All time longest wet period (days)
$WX['TLongestWetPeriod'] = 'to 29 January 2014'; // Time/Date of All time longest wet period (days)
$WX['pressH'] = '1045.5'; // All time high pressure
$WX['TpressH'] = 'at 06:38 on 05 February 2023'; // Time/Date of All time high pressure
$WX['pressL'] = '904.8'; // All time low pressure
$WX['TpressL'] = 'at 05:49 on 20 February 2017'; // Time/Date of All time low pressure
$WX['gustM'] = '117.0'; // All time high wind gust
$WX['TgustM'] = 'at 07:14 on 31 December 2016'; // Time/Date of All time high wind gust
$WX['wspeedH'] = '84.9'; // All time high average wind speed
$WX['TwspeedH'] = 'at 23:19 on 18 August 2016'; // Time/Date of All time high average wind speed
$WX['windrunH'] = '416.9'; // All time high daily wind run
$WX['TwindrunH'] = 'on 14 April 2013'; // Time/Date of All time high daily wind run
$WX['LatestError'] = 'Lost sensor contact!!!'; // Displays the last error from the Cumulus error log
$WX['LatestErrorDate'] = '05/10/2024'; // The date of the latest error logged to the error log window, using the system short date format. Gives dashes when latest error is reset
$WX['LatestErrorTime'] = '05:05'; // The time of the latest error logged to the error log window, using the system short time format. Gives dashes when latest error is reset
$WX['ErrorLight'] = '1'; // 1 if the 'error' light is flashing, 0 if not
$WX['version'] = '1.9.4'; // The version of Cumulus in use
$WX['build'] = '1088'; // The build of Cumulus in use
$WX['realtimeinterval'] = '45'; // The realtime update interval in seconds
$WX['interval'] = '5'; // The web site update interval in minutes
$WX['rollovertime'] = 'midnight'; // Time of day for rollover of meteorological date. (Beta)
$WX['update'] = '05/10/2024 08:30:01'; // The date and time of the last web site update
$WX['stationtype'] = 'Watson W-8681'; // The type of station in use
$WX['latitude'] = 'N 55° 38' 27"'; // The station latitude
$WX['longitude'] = 'W 03° 10' 15"'; // The station longitude
$WX['altitude'] = '524 ft'; // The station altitude
$WX['location'] = 'Peebles'; // The station location
$WX['longlocation'] = 'Kittlegairy, Peebles'; // Longer description of the station location
$WX['forum'] = ''; // URL of the forum
$WX['webcam'] = ''; // URL of the webcam
$WX['graphperiod'] = '24'; // The number of hours displayed by the graphs
$WX['battery'] = ''; // The console battery condition (Only available for the Davis weather stations)
$WX['txbattery'] = ''; // The transmitter battery condition (Only available for the Davis weather stations)
$WX['SensorContactLost'] = '0'; // 1 if the station has lost contact with its remote sensors "Fine Offset only" 0 if contact has been established
$WX['snowdepth'] = '0'; // Today's snow depth as entered manually in the Weather Diary. Normally in Centimeters.Output is purely as a numerical figure I.E 10
$WX['currcond'] = ''; // Represents the value entered on the screen within Cumulus for the Current Weather condition, or the value as held in the currentconditions.txt file
$WX['chillhours'] = '13.2'; // The number of 'chill hours' so far this season.
$WX['ConsecutiveRainDays'] = '0'; // The number of days up to (but not including) today where it has rained every day. The threshold amount of rain required to determine a rain day is configurable via the RainDayThreshold setting in cumulus.ini, the units for the threshold are the same as your rain units
$WX['ConsecutiveDryDays'] = '3'; // The number of days up to (but not including) today since it last rained. The threshold amount of rain required to determine a rain day is configurable via the RainDayThreshold setting in cumulus.ini the units for the threshold are the same as your rain units
$WX['WindRoseData'] = '1354.2,180.7,1004.6,3986.2,3299.5,883.8,542.5,193.5'; // A comma-separated list of the wind 'totals' used to draw the wind rose (8 or 16 values)
$WX['WindRosePoints'] = '8'; // The number of items in 1354.2,180.7,1004.6,3986.2,3299.5,883.8,542.5,193.5 (i.e. 8 or 16)
$WX['WindSampleCount'] = '3600'; // The number of wind samples making up the wind rose (etc) data (up to 3600)
$WX['LatestNOAAMonthlyReport'] = 'NOAAMO1024.txt'; // Gives file name of latest auto-saved NOAA monthly report
$WX['LatestNOAAYearlyReport'] = 'NOAAYR2024.txt'; // Gives file name of latest auto-saved NOAA yearly report
$WX['sunrise'] = '07:24'; // Current sunrise time at the station
$WX['sunset'] = '18:37'; // Current sunset time at the station
$WX['daylength'] = '11:13'; // Length of day in hours and minutes (sunrise to sunset)
$WX['tomorrowdaylength'] = 'There will be 4min 33s less daylight tomorrow'; // A string giving the difference between the length of day light today and tomorrow.
$WX['dawn'] = '06:47'; // Start of Civil Twilight at the station
$WX['dusk'] = '19:13'; // End of Civil Twilight at the station
$WX['daylightlength'] = '12:26'; // Length of daylight in hours and minutes (dawn to dusk)
$WX['moonphase'] = 'Waxing Crescent'; // Current phase of the moon
$WX['MoonAge'] = '2'; // Current approximate age of the Moon in days (0-29)
$WX['moonrise'] = '10:40'; // Current moonrise time at the station
$WX['moonset'] = '18:49'; // Current moonset time at the station
$WX['isdaylight'] = '1'; // A flag to indicate if the location for the station is in daylight or not, based on the dawn and dusk times.  Possible values are 0 or 1, where 1 notes that it is currently within the hours of daylight.
$WX['IsSunUp'] = '1'; // gives 1 between sunrise and sunset, otherwise 0
$WX['SunshineHours'] = '0.0'; // Hours of sunshine so far today
$WX['YSunshineHours'] = '0.0'; // Total hours of sunshine yesterday
$WX['CurrentSolarMax'] = '44'; // Current theoretical maximum solar radiation
$WX['IsSunny'] = '0'; // Returns 1 if the sun is shining, otherwise 0
$WX['MoonPercent'] = '6'; // Current percentage of moon visible (negative value indicates 'waning')
$WX['MoonPercentAbs'] = '6'; // Current percentage of moon visible (always positive)
$WX['LowTempAlarm'] = '0'; // Low temperature alarm
$WX['HighTempAlarm'] = '0'; // High temperature alarm
$WX['TempChangeUpAlarm'] = '0'; // Temperature increase alarm
$WX['TempChangeDownAlarm'] = '0'; // Temperature decrease alarm
$WX['TempChangeLastHour'] = '+1.2'; // The change in temperature over the last hour. The value can also be seen on the main screen as a 'mouseover' on the temperature trend value
$WX['LowPressAlarm'] = '0'; // Low pressure alarm
$WX['HighPressAlarm'] = '0'; // High pressure alarm
$WX['PressChangeUpAlarm'] = '0'; // Pressure increase alarm
$WX['PressChangeDownAlarm'] = '0'; // Pressure decrease alarm
$WX['HighRainTodayAlarm'] = '0'; // High rain today alarm
$WX['HighRainRateAlarm'] = '0'; // High rainfall rate alarm
$WX['HighWindGustAlarm'] = '0'; // High wind gust alarm
$WX['HighWindSpeedAlarm'] = '0'; // High wind speed alarm
$WX['recordsbegandate'] = '25 December 2010'; // The date that the all time records began
$WX['newrecord'] = '0'; // 1 if 'new record' light is flashing, 0 if not
$WX['TempRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the indicator on the temperature tab on the all-time records screen is currently lit, 0 if not
$WX['WindRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the indicator on the wind tab on the all-time records screen is currently lit, 0 if not
$WX['RainRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the indicator on the rain tab on the all-time records screen is currently lit, 0 if not
$WX['HumidityRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the indicator on the humidity tab on the all-time records screen is currently lit, 0 if not
$WX['PressureRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the indicator on the pressure tab on the all-time records screen is currently lit, 0 if not
$WX['HighTempRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high temperature light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LowTempRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low temperature light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighTempRangeRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high daily temperature range light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LowTempRangeRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low daily temperature range light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighAppTempRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high apparent temperature light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LowAppTempRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low apparent temperature light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighHeatIndexRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high heat index light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LowWindChillRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low wind chill light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighDewPointRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high dew point light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LowDewPointRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low dew point light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighMinTempRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high minimum temperature light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LowMaxTempRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low maximum temperature light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighWindGustRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high wind gust light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighWindSpeedRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high wind speed light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighRainRateRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high rain rate light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighHourlyRainRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high hourly rain light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighDailyRainRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high daily rain light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighMonthlyRainRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high monthly rain light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LongestDryPeriodRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time longest dry period light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LongestWetPeriodRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time longest wet period light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighHumidityRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high humidity light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['LowHumidityRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low humidity light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighPressureRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high pressure light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['DataStopped'] = '0'; // 1 if the station has apparently stopped sending data to Cumulus, otherwise 0 (Beta)
$WX['LowPressureRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time low pressure light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['HighWindrunRecordSet'] = '0'; // 1 if the all-time high wind run light is currently flashing, 0 if not
$WX['ExtraTemp1'] = '0.0'; // Extra temperature channel 1
$WX['ExtraTemp2'] = '0.0'; // Extra temperature channel 2
$WX['ExtraTemp3'] = '0.0'; // Extra temperature channel 3
$WX['ExtraDP1'] = '0.0'; // Extra dew point channel 1
$WX['ExtraDP2'] = '0.0'; // Extra dew point channel 2
$WX['ExtraDP3'] = '0.0'; // Extra dew point channel 3
$WX['ExtraHum1'] = '0'; // Extra humidity channel 1
$WX['ExtraHum2'] = '0'; // Extra humidity channel 2
$WX['ExtraHum3'] = '0'; // Extra humidity channel 3
$WX['DavisTotalPacketsReceived'] = '0'; // Total number of data packets received
$WX['DavisTotalPacketsMissed'] = '0'; // Number of missed data packets
$WX['DavisNumberOfResynchs'] = '0'; // Number of times the console resynchronised with the transmitter
$WX['DavisMaxInARow'] = '0'; // Longest streak of consecutive packets received
$WX['DavisNumCRCerrors'] = '0'; // Number of packets received with CRC errors
$WX['DavisFirmwareVersion'] = ''; // The console firmware version (Davis stations only)
$WX['THWindex'] = '0.0'; // A derived temperature using Temperature/Humidity/Wind values
$WX['THSWindex'] = '0.0'; // A derived temperature using Temperature/Humidity/Solar/Wind values
$WX['Light'] = '0.0'; // Current Lux value (3080 models only)
$WX['OsVersion'] = 'Windows 8 x64 build 9200'; // OS version, e.g. "Windows 7 x64 build 7600"
$WX['OsLanguage'] = 'English'; // OS language, e.g. "English"
$WX['SystemUpTime'] = '10 days 7 hours'; // How long the system has been up, e.g. "8 hours 21 minutes"
$WX['ProgramUpTime'] = '10 days 7 hours'; // How long Cumulus has been running, e.g. "7 hours 55 minutes"
$WX['CpuName'] = 'Intel(R) N100'; // CPU type, e.g. "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz"
$WX['CpuCount'] = '4'; // Number of processors, e.g. "4"
$WX['MemoryStatus'] = '7602/16159 MB (free/total)'; // Free and total system RAM, e.g. "4619/8191 MB (free/total)"
$WX['DisplayMode'] = '1920x1080, 32 bit'; // Screen display mode, e.g. "1680x1050, 32 bit"
$WX['AllocatedMemory'] = '103.31 MB'; // Amount of memory allocated to Cumulus, e.g. "18.76 MB"
$WX['DiskSize'] = '474.99 GB'; // Size of disk on which Cumulus is running, e.g. "931.51 GB"
$WX['DiskFree'] = '410.31 GB'; // Free space on disk on which Cumulus is running, e.g. "515.36 GB"
$WX['RCdew'] = '9.9'; // Dew point
$WX['RCheatindex'] = '12.3'; // Heat index
$WX['RChum'] = '85'; // Outside humidity
$WX['RCinhum'] = '50'; // Inside humidity
$WX['RCintemp'] = '22.2'; // Inside temperature
$WX['RCpress'] = '1012.1'; // Pressure
$WX['RCpressTH'] = '1014.7'; // Today's high pressure
$WX['RCpressTL'] = '1012.0'; // Today's low pressure
$WX['RCrfall'] = '0.0'; // Rainfall
$WX['RCrrate'] = '0.0'; // Rainfall rate
$WX['RCrrateTM'] = '0.0'; // Today's rainfall rate
$WX['RCtemp'] = '12.3'; // Outside temperature
$WX['RCtempTH'] = '13.2'; // Today's high outside temperature
$WX['RCtempTL'] = '10.8'; // Today's low outside temperature
$WX['RCwchill'] = '12.3'; // Wind chill temperature
$WX['RCwgust'] = '3.8'; // Wind gust reading
$WX['RCwgustTM'] = '11.4'; // Today's wind gust reading
$WX['RCwspeed'] = '2.0'; // Wind speed reading
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=5'] = '12.2'; // 5 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=5'] = '3.6'; // 5 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=5'] = '6.0'; // 5 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=5'] = '0.0'; // 5 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=5'] = '149'; // 5 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=5'] = '12.0'; // 5 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=5'] = '9.6'; // 5 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=5'] = '12.2'; // 5 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=5'] = '84'; // 5 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=5'] = '1012.3'; // 5 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=5'] = '0.0'; // 5 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=5'] = '0'; // 5 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=5'] = '0'; // 5 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=10'] = '12.2'; // 10 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=10'] = '4.3'; // 10 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=10'] = '6.0'; // 10 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=10'] = '3.8'; // 10 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=10'] = '157'; // 10 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=10'] = '11.8'; // 10 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=10'] = '9.8'; // 10 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=10'] = '12.2'; // 10 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=10'] = '85'; // 10 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=10'] = '1012.1'; // 10 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=10'] = '0.0'; // 10 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=10'] = '0'; // 10 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=10'] = '0'; // 10 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=15'] = '12.0'; // 15 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=15'] = '4.1'; // 15 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=15'] = '6.0'; // 15 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=15'] = '6.0'; // 15 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=15'] = '161'; // 15 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=15'] = '11.6'; // 15 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=15'] = '9.6'; // 15 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=15'] = '12.0'; // 15 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=15'] = '85'; // 15 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=15'] = '1012.1'; // 15 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=15'] = '0.0'; // 15 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=15'] = '0'; // 15 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=15'] = '0'; // 15 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=20'] = '11.9'; // 20 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=20'] = '4.4'; // 20 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=20'] = '6.0'; // 20 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=20'] = '6.0'; // 20 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=20'] = '159'; // 20 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=20'] = '11.4'; // 20 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=20'] = '9.5'; // 20 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=20'] = '11.9'; // 20 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=20'] = '85'; // 20 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=20'] = '1012.1'; // 20 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=20'] = '0.0'; // 20 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=20'] = '0'; // 20 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=20'] = '0'; // 20 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=30'] = '11.8'; // 30 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=30'] = '5.7'; // 30 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=30'] = '8.3'; // 30 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=30'] = '6.0'; // 30 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=30'] = '150'; // 30 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=30'] = '10.9'; // 30 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=30'] = '9.5'; // 30 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=30'] = '11.8'; // 30 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=30'] = '86'; // 30 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=30'] = '1012.1'; // 30 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=30'] = '0.0'; // 30 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=30'] = '0'; // 30 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=30'] = '0'; // 30 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=45'] = '11.4'; // 45 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=45'] = '3.7'; // 45 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=45'] = '6.0'; // 45 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=45'] = '6.0'; // 45 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=45'] = '159'; // 45 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=45'] = '11.1'; // 45 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=45'] = '9.7'; // 45 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=45'] = '11.4'; // 45 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=45'] = '89'; // 45 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=45'] = '1012.4'; // 45 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=45'] = '0.0'; // 45 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=45'] = '0'; // 45 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=45'] = '0'; // 45 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=60'] = '11.1'; // 60 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=60'] = '2.8'; // 60 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=60'] = '4.5'; // 60 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=60'] = '3.8'; // 60 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=60'] = '149'; // 60 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=60'] = '11.1'; // 60 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=60'] = '9.5'; // 60 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=60'] = '11.1'; // 60 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=60'] = '90'; // 60 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=60'] = '1012.4'; // 60 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=60'] = '0.0'; // 60 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=60'] = '0'; // 60 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=60'] = '0'; // 60 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=75'] = '11.0'; // 75 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=75'] = '3.7'; // 75 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=75'] = '6.0'; // 75 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=75'] = '0.0'; // 75 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=75'] = '168'; // 75 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=75'] = '10.6'; // 75 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=75'] = '9.4'; // 75 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=75'] = '11.0'; // 75 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=75'] = '90'; // 75 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=75'] = '1012.4'; // 75 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=75'] = '0.0'; // 75 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=75'] = '0'; // 75 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=75'] = '0'; // 75 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=90'] = '11.1'; // 90 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=90'] = '4.8'; // 90 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=90'] = '6.0'; // 90 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=90'] = '6.0'; // 90 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=90'] = '150'; // 90 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=90'] = '10.4'; // 90 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=90'] = '9.5'; // 90 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=90'] = '11.1'; // 90 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=90'] = '90'; // 90 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=90'] = '1012.7'; // 90 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=90'] = '0.0'; // 90 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=90'] = '0'; // 90 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=90'] = '0'; // 90 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=105'] = '11.1'; // 105 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=105'] = '3.2'; // 105 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=105'] = '6.9'; // 105 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=105'] = '6.9'; // 105 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=105'] = '164'; // 105 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=105'] = '10.9'; // 105 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=105'] = '9.5'; // 105 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=105'] = '11.1'; // 105 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=105'] = '90'; // 105 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=105'] = '1012.5'; // 105 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=105'] = '0.0'; // 105 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=105'] = '0'; // 105 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=105'] = '0'; // 105 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp m=120'] = '11.0'; // 120 minutes ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindSpeed m=120'] = '4.0'; // 120 minutes ago Wind Speed (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindGust m=120'] = '4.5'; // 120 minutes ago Wind Gust (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindLatest m=120'] = '2.2'; // 120 minutes ago Wind Latest. (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindAvgDir m=120'] = '149'; // 120 minutes ago Wind Direction (average) (Beta)
$WX['RecentWindChill m=120'] = '10.5'; // 120 minutes ago Wind Chill (Beta)
$WX['RecentDewPoint m=120'] = '9.6'; // 120 minutes ago Dew Point (Beta)
$WX['RecentHeatIndex m=120'] = '11.0'; // 120 minutes ago Heat Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentHumidity m=120'] = '91'; // 120 minutes ago Relative Humidity (Beta)
$WX['RecentPressure m=120'] = '1012.5'; // 120 minutes ago Sea-level Pressure (Beta)
$WX['RecentRainToday m=120'] = '0.0'; // 120 minutes ago Today's rain (Beta)
$WX['RecentSolarRad m=120'] = '0'; // 120 minutes ago Solar Radiation (Beta)
$WX['RecentUV m=120'] = '0'; // 120 minutes ago UV Index (Beta)
$WX['RecentOutsideTemp h=24'] = '8.5'; // 24 hours ago Outside Temperature (Beta)
$WX['DaysSinceRecordsBegan'] = '5033'; // Days since records began (Beta)
$WX['metdate'] = '05/10/2024'; // The current meteorological date. (Beta)
$WX['metdateyesterday'] = '04/10/2024'; // gives yesterday's 'meterological' date, for those using 0900/1000 rollover (Beta)
$WX['yesterday'] = '04/10/2024'; // gives yesterday's date. 'Format' parameter can be applied. (Beta)
$WX['Ybeaudesc'] = 'Light breeze'; // Beaufort 'description' for yesterday's high wind speed (Beta)
$WX['LastDataReadT'] = '05/10/2024 08:29:52'; // The date/time data was last read from the station (Beta)